For discussion and terrible, terrible puns, click here. HT Susie.
I was born on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay
Maryland and Virginia have faded away
And I keep thinking tomorrow is coming today
So I am endlessly waiting...
—A. Duritz and Counting Crows, "St. Robinson and His Cadillac Dream"
When I was a student at Reed College, a classmate used springy Douglas fir samplings as bumpers on his VW Bug.
Worked great -- he drilled holes in them and ran carriage bolts through the standard bumper-mount brackets.
And they gave the Bug a certain Pacific Northwest vibe.
There are only a few vehicles for which this sort of thing might be appropriate: the Outback, of course, and maybe the Subaru Forester; the Land Rover—and here I mean the old Land Rover, not the new, godawful expensive yuppiefied version; the Toyota Land Cruiser, with the same caveat; and maybe certain Jeeps. The VW Beetle, I must admit, I wouldn't have thought of, but the way you describe it, I can accept. (Again, assuming we're talking about the classic old Bug, and not the 21st century reincarnation.)
Definitely the classic Bug/Beetle/Type 1.
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