Monday, August 13, 2018

Eastern grey squirrels

It occurred to me recently that while Sciurus carolinensis has appeared in several posts on Flyover Country, I'd never actually devoted a post to the eastern grey squirrel specifically—an egregious oversight. Greys were the common squirrel of my Maryland boyhood, and later, in Georgia, my primary quarry for my first three years in falconry.

So we packed our bags and hopped the first flight we could find to the East Coast, pitching up in Washington, where we knew the squirrels would be both abundant and photogenic.

Okay, so that's not exactly how our trip came to pass, but the District of Columbia's squirrels were fantastically cooperative. Enjoy a few of the many photos Jessa and I took in the course of an afternoon's stroll...though, at six miles, I think we can fairly call it a hike.

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