Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Online voyeurism

If you're stuck indoors, logged onto the computer for hours at a time, you can lighten up by checking in on these streaming video sites:

  • American kestrel nestbox at the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission headquarters in Lincoln, courtesy of Game & Parks.
  • Peregrine falcon nestbox on the Nebraska state capitol building, courtesy once again Nebraska Game & Parks.
  • Bald eagle nest in Sidney, British Columbia, courtesy of Hancock House Publishing. This one has sound!

If you're not careful, though, this could ensure that you get stuck indoors, logged onto the computer for hours at a time. Use in moderation.


Isaac said...

Great links, I think I'll post them on my blog too if you don't mind! Thanks!

Mark Churchill said...

Go for it! They weren't mine to begin with... I'm sure that those who installed and maintain the cameras would appreciate attribution, as well as the wider exposure.

Helen "Philippines Information Technology" Carry said...

I can't wait to click on the link!
Thank you for sharing!